Pastors Network Embarks on ’52 Tuesday’s of Prayer’ Initiative

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With the 2020 presidential election just over a year away, Americans of all cultural, societal, political and religious identifications know again—as they did in 2016—the incredible significance the election will carry.

For this reason, and with a 365-day countdown—“52 Tuesdays”—until the election fast-approaching, the national organization, American Pastors Network (APN) is calling for a national “season of prayer,” which, says APN President Sam Rohrer, is the only solution to the nation’s problems. “52 Tuesdays” will kick off Nov. 12, as Rohrer and his “Stand in the Gap Today” radio program co-hosts will call on Christians to pray for America as never before.

“God’s judgment on and plan for our nation has been happening for a long time,” Rohrer said. “Only prayer will bring the country from the depths to which we’ve sunken. That’s why the American Pastors Network is aiming to be a leader to call for an emphasis on prayer for our nation—not just for one day of the year, but daily weekly and monthly.”

Rohrer noted that Nov. 12 is exactly “52 Tuesdays” away from the 2020 presidential election—a crucial time and another possible turning point in the nation’s history. APN’s hope is that pastors will weekly encourage their congregations to pray whenever they can, with “who, what, when, where, why and how” in mind, as each American carefully considers our nation, its leaders, and the meaning, the gravity and the outcome of praying for America.

Regular fourth segments of the daily, one-hour program will be dedicated to these prayer discussions, and guests to the show will be part of the prayers as well. Additionally, the “Stand in the Gap Today” co-hosts will be inviting listeners to pray with them, and live engagement will also occur through a variety of platforms.

“We know that countless churches are praying corporately every Sunday for our nation—as they should,” Rohrer added. “But people in the pews can make significant prayer impact as well, and the American Pastors Network is suggesting that believers follow up with specific prayer for the nation each Tuesday between Nov. 12 and next year’s presidential election. This initiative, ‘52 Tuesdays,’ will hopefully bring churches, pastors and Christians together to focus on prayer for our nation. It is desperately needed.”

Rohrer added that this special year of prayer will focus on the biblical basics of prayer, such as why we pray, what prayer is and what we are called to pray for as citizens. These basics will be explored on the “Stand in the Gap Today” radio program, especially on Tuesdays, as well as topics for prayer, including prayer for the president, the nation and for repentance.

“These things are at the heart of what God wants us to understand,” he said.

APN also noted that while all eyes are already on the 2020 president election, important local elections are also planned for Tuesday, Nov. 5, around the nation. APN reminds Christians to be informed about the issues in their community, pray and vote. Rohrer noted that iVoter Guide is a useful, biblically based tool to inform voters about the most important issues. Sample ballots, voting information, candidate evaluations and more are available by zip code.

To listen to an interview on this prayer initiative aired on VCY America with Jim Schneider, please click HERE.

To read about it on Charisma News, please click HERE.

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