Hurricane Florence has come and gone, and likely-this tropical storm won’t be the last to batter our shores this season. While some weren’t so fortunate, due to advanced warning, many were able to avoid the worst and lessons learned from Katrina and other storms stood us in good stead.
But have we learned other, more important lessons? Secularism-the belief that God is not necessary or relevant to a nation or its citizens, has made deep, destructive inroads into our culture and now we’re paying the price.
The floods of immorality and the abandonment of truth and justice have eroded the foundations we were built on, and destroyed the safety net of God’s protective hand of blessing. Is it to late to remember what should never have been forgotten?
Stand in the Gap Today hosts, Dr. Gary Dull, Evangelist Dave Kistler, and guests Paul Head and David New discuss these topics and more on this recorded program from 9/13/18.
To listen to the program, please click HERE.