As back-to-school approaches, many parents are faced with some serious educational decisions. As society becomes more worldly and more secular, and as this trend permeates their children’s schools, conversations about private education, Christian education and homeschooling are making their way to the dinner table.
For example, the Los Angeles Times reported last month that an overhaul of history and social science curriculum in California means that second-graders will learn about families with two moms or two dads. “Two years later,” the Times reports, “while studying how immigrants have shaped the Golden State, they will hear how New York native Harvey Milk became a pioneering gay politician in San Francisco.”
The American Pastors Network (APN, has been following education matters like this closely. Earlier this summer, APN also released an online “Transgender Toolkit” after the Obama Administration issued what some called a “decree” for public schools to extend special rights for transgender students when it comes to bathrooms and locker rooms.
“Our government’s foundations were built by men who believed in God,” APN President Sam Rohrer recently wrote for an editorial for “Now, those who are in charge reject God and seek to rule over us in a way that forces humanistic standards of public conduct on us and our children, through heavy-handed regulations and a failed educational system that teaches exactly the opposite of Bible principles.”
Because of headlines like these, Rohrer said that many parents may be considering education alternatives before September rolls around.
“These are sensitive subjects that many parents want to address with their young children at home, at the appropriate time and in the appropriate way,” Rohrer said. “For a committee or a legislature or the government to decide the best time to teach children moral values contrary to scripture and the fundamental underlying biblical principles espoused by our founders is an affront to every responsible parent and usurpation of the natural rights of parents and family.”
BJU Press, which produces textbooks and materials that shape a biblical worldview, are academically rigorous, encourage critical thinking and are supported with technology solutions, has been a long-time sponsor of APN’s “Stand in the Gap” lineup of radio programming. BJU Press also creates homeschool curriculum that is utilized by families around the country.