Planned Parenthood Exposé Videos Remind Churches of Investment Accountability Awareness

In the wake of the public release of three disturbing undercover videos that exposed Planned Parenthood’s possible sale of the body parts of aborted babies—including the latest released just yesterday—the Pennsylvania Pastors Network  is urging all churches and morally responsible organizations to become educated about where the funds in their pension plans and investments actually go.

“Unfortunately, abortion in America is a big and deadly business, and many U.S. companies are directly or indirectly funding the abortion giant Planned Parenthood,” said PPN President Sam Rohrer, who is also president of the American Pastors Network (APN, “While efforts are under way to defund Planned Parenthood, which we strongly support, government money is not the only way the agency pays for abortion services. Many private companies and organizations also give directly to Planned Parenthood, and churches and their congregants must make sure that none of their investments are tied to these firms that are funding the gruesome business of abortion. 

“Our mission at the American Pastors Network is to help churches, oftentimes through our state chapters, fall in line with biblical obedience and offer a solution and a challenge in every situation. Even the most disturbing headlines may in some way affect our churches,” he continued. 

Rohrer added that the importance of biblical investing takes on a sense of urgency when organizations and corporations support activity that goes against God’s Word—either directly or indirectly—such as the atrocities that recently surfaced at Planned Parenthood.

“Churches, Christian companies and all morally responsible organizations are duty-bound to clean up their own house, and that certainly includes where and how we invest our money,” Rohrer said. “Not only is this our responsibility, but the entire premise of 2 Chronicles 7:14 is that God’s people must turn from our wicked ways. Knowingly investing and seeking a profit in companies that advance evil is itself evil. The hammer of God’s judgment will continue to fall on America until we take a hard look in the mirror and ask ourselves, ‘Where are we sinning against God and take corrective action?’ ” 

PPN encourages churches to conduct research about their investments, through qualified financial professionals or online research, such as two resources that recently came to light since the Planned Parenthood videos were released: the Daily Signal and

“In an age when technology allows all of us—including churches—to be educated about companies that directly or indirectly fund the abortion or related industries, we must act,” added Gary Dull, PPN executive director and vice president and an APN board member. “The Pennsylvania Pastors Network is calling on all churches and morally responsible organizations to promptly and carefully review their investments and pension plans to ensure that they are in no way contributing to the killing of nearly 60 million babies since 1973.” 

In the first video that stirred the national controversy, which was released by the Center for Medical Progress on July 14, Planned Parenthood senior executive Dr. Deborah Nucatola discussed the sale of fetal body parts with actors portraying buyers from a “human biologics company” over lunch. In a second video, released July 21, Dr. Mary Gatter, president of Planned Parenthood’s medical directors council, is seen negotiating the price of aborted fetal body parts, stating that she wanted “a Lamborghini.” A third video released July 28 highlighted a technician who said she worked for a company that partnered with Planned Parenthood to harvest fetal tissue, Fox News reported.

PPN and APN focus on pressing cultural and societal issues like these during its daily one-hour radio program, “Stand in the Gap Today,” hosted by Rohrer, Dull and Dave Kistler, president of the North Carolina Pastors Network (NCPN,

Daily, “Stand in the Gap Today” considers current news topics and welcomes guests, including caller comments during “Phone-In Friday.” “Stand in the Gap Today” can be heard on several stations throughout Pennsylvania, via satellite and streamed lived online at  To hear a recent program on this issue, with Guest Dan Celia, Host of Financial Issues Live, please click HERE.

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