Ministers and legislators came together last week for a crucial meeting of the minds at a Harrisburg event sponsored by the Pennsylvania Pastors Network (PPN, in an effort to restore and maintain America’s religious and constitutional freedoms.
The December 8 event, titled “Preparing the Way,” was part of the Pennsylvania Pastors Network’s “Ministers Together” initiative, which brings together pastors, who are ministers of God in the pulpit, and elected officials, who are ministers of God in the public arena.
“We can’t win a spiritual battle with political strategies,” said Sam Rohrer, President of PPN and the American Pastors Network (APN, “Having righteous people in office is not the key. Repentant hearts is the key, which will lead to electing the righteous to office. PPN’s recent ‘Ministers Together’ event was a fantastic opportunity for all of us to come together and reaffirm our similar convictions, duties and commitments.”
Randy Wenger, Chief Counsel for the Pennsylvania Family Institute, shared upcoming legislative initiatives that may threaten Americans’ freedoms, and participants also embarked on a Spiritual Heritage Tour of the Capitol Building, which educated pastors and legislators about the significance of the inscriptions on the walls and floors throughout the building—a reminder of the rich biblical heritage underpinning the civil government of Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania Pastors Network (PPN, encourages pastors to bring together biblical and constitutional principles in their sermons and provides resources to pastors throughout the state.
Looking for information on the statewide Pastors Conference to be held in March 2015?
Hello Mr. Walter,
Thank you for inquiring about our PPN Pastors Conference. It will be held on March 19 at the Lancaster Bible College from 9-4:30 (approximately). More details are to be released this month regarding speakers and themes. We will also be putting out registration information, so please be sure to check back on the website now and then. If you haven’t signed up for our Enews, you can do so on the home page and then you will definitely receive information as soon as it comes out.
God bless!
Amy Baisley
APN/PPN Project Manager
Hello Pastor Walter,
You can now find information about the conference and register on the event site:
We hope to see you there!
Amy Baisley
APN/PPN Project Manager