The Honorable Sam Rohrer, former member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives is the president of the American Pastor’s Network.
Read more about Sam’s personal testimony of faith, his family and lifelong commitment to biblical principles.
Dale Armstrong, and his wife Teri reside in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. They have three sons, Ben, Zack and Ethen.
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Gary G. Dull was born into a fine Christian family in Western PA in 1952 and therefore always had a strong biblical influence. At the age of 12 in 1964, while attending church camp, Gary received Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior. The very next day after being saved he was asked to preach his first sermon at the camp and has virtually been preaching ever since. During his teen years he was a youth preacher for Youth for Christ and traveled with the YFC gospel team on a weekly basis. In January 1968 Gary surrendered to the call of ministry.
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